• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
Science Week

We had a fantastic Science Week, with lots of fun activities going on.  The whole school worked in mixed age groups for a morning and went around three different science activities.  One was to create our own bubble wands and then make a bubble mixture.  We had great fun blowing bubbles, seeing which wands and other equipment made the best bubbles.  Another activity was to make a ‘bug hotel’, a habitat for a small creature, using leaves, stones, moss and twigs that we found outside.   The third activity was to roll tin cans (with no labels on) down a ramp, testing how far each went and then trying to work out what might be inside each.

Amazing Artwork

The Year 1 and 2 children have been working hard over the last few weeks on collages of famous landmarks from the USA.  They began by drawing their pictures using a photograph to help.  Then the children began to collage using different types of paper.  Today they finished their work and, I think you will agree, it looks amazing!


Our Fantastic Bodies

Year one and two have been thinking about different parts of their bodies and what they do.  We have sung, played games and tried to feel our own bones, thinking about what important organs are inside our bodies which our skeletons help to protect.  Children drew round themselves and labelled various body parts including joints – hips, shoulders, ankles, wrists, knees.


Icy Art


We have been finding out about Antarctica and other cold places.  Here is some of our artwork inspired by the book ‘Blue Penguin’.


Year 1 and 2 children had a fun filled afternoon at Cartmel Priory School yesterday, taking part in multiskills with other children from the area.

Children completed multiskills activities based on coordination, control and balance.



Marvellous Materials

We have been finding out about different materials over the last few weeks.  We have identified the materials that various objects are made from, described the simple properties of materials and thought about how they are used for different reasons.  We have done investigations and simple experiments to test materials, such as finding out which materials would make a good roof for a lego house.


All different, all equal!

Over the last two weeks we have been thinking about the National Anti-bullying week theme ‘All different, all equal’.  We have read books about how every person and every family is different but each one of us is special, equal and should be respected.  Today we shared some of our learning in assembly, with everyone taking part.

Nature Crowns

Today we made nature crowns at Forest School, finding leaves and twigs to decorate them. Gorgeous!

Remembrance Assembly

This morning we held our Remembrance assembly in school.  Councillor Clarke joined us to read out names of soldiers from Lindale and the children took part by placing crosses at the front of the hall, one for each soldier.  They also showed paintings they had done, read poems they’d written and prayers of remembrance.

Forest School

The children from Key Stage 1 and Early Years have been exploring in the woods today.  We had a great time finding our way around, investigating and climbing.  We looked for leaves and tried to find as many different colours as we could.


  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE