• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
Leaf Art

We have been out on the field looking for different shapes and sizes of leaves.  Once we had collected our leaves we made some pictures out of them.




Puppy Visit

Over the last few weeks we have been reading a book called ‘Oh No George!’ by Chris Haughton, about a dog who gets into mischief.  Now we are thinking about how to look after different pets.  Today we had a visit from Buddy, a beautiful cocker spaniel puppy.  We asked questions about him and found out how to look after a puppy.  He was very friendly and lots of us wanted to stroke him!

Apple Day

This afternoon children in the Early Years and Year 1 and 2 went to Castle Head Field Centre.  We collected lots of apples from the orchard, helped to press the apples and then drink some of the fresh apple juice – delicious!  Thank you to Becky and the Year 6 children who led the afternoon.


Comic Art

The Year 1 and 2 children have now completed their artwork inspired by ‘Owly’ graphic novels by Andy Runton.  The children have tried drawing Owly and also created characters to be his friends.  Their paintings are now on display in the window of Armistead Barnett in Kendal as part of the Comic Art Festival.  They look fantastic – well done all of you!




Rainy day walk

This afternoon we went for a walk in the rain.  We went up to the church to walk through the grounds and look at the trees and plants.  In a few weeks we will go back to see how the plants have changed.

We have also made some bread rolls using an old recipe.  It was like the bread they would have eaten in the 1700s, this links with our Year 1 and 2  Great Fire of London topic.

Super sticks!

This week we have been reading Stanley’s Stick by John Hegley.  We have been outside to collect sticks of all shapes and sizes and tried to think of different uses for our sticks just like Stanley did!  We pretended that they could be  sweepers, back scratchers, flutes, hockey sticks and swords.  We could build with them and make shapes and letters on the ground. “Fantastick” as Stanley would say!



Terrific Trees!

We have been for our last forest school session of the term.  This time we were identifying trees by looking at their leaves and matching them to a picture chart.  Then we used sticks, twigs and leaves to make pictures and patterns.


Glorious Gardens


We have been designing and making mini gardens in our outdoor area.  We put in paths, ponds, grass, trees and flowers.  They look amazing!  Some of us decided to make gardens in the craft area out of modelling resources.

This afternoon we are off to Forest School to explore plants a bit more.


Woodland Homes

This afternoon at Forest School we made homes for little animal toys using natural materials that we found in the woods.  We tried to make cosy shelters that were camouflaged.


Forest School Fun

This week we went on the first of our Forest School sessions to Lime Kiln Wood.  We spent time finding our way around, exploring the area and working in groups to find interesting objects. We had lots of fun and are looking forward to going back next week.  We also loved ‘Den Day’, working in groups with older children in school to create dens indoors and outdoors.

  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE