• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
Sewing poppies

Today we began to sew some beautiful poppies to begin our work on remembrance. We can’t wait to see what they look like when they’re finished!

Laid our pharaohs to rest

Today we  laid our carrot pharaohs to rest in their sarcophagus – complete with a death mask. We have had so much fun with this project!

Finishing touches on our sarcophagi

Today we added the detail to our sarcophagi. It is so nice to see the two classes working so well alongside each other and concentrating hard on being careful with their painting. We think they look great!


Priory Day

Today we had a lovely day at Cartmel Priory taking part in lots of activities revolved around the story of Moses and the burning bush. We did a treasure hunt, team games, scavenger hunt, singing, prayer work, drama and craft.

Amazing Egyptian Facts

For our topic, we have been researching facts on the importance of the River Nile to the people of Egypt.

Our carrot pharaohs continued…

We were very excited to see what our carrot mummies looked like today! We were amazed to find out how much they had shrunk! Now that we have wrapped them up, we can make a sarcophagus for each one out of clay.

Westmorland Show

We had a great time at the Westmorland Show today! The children learnt about local businesses and tried out some fun activities.

Is buying more expensive paper worth it?

The children really enjoyed their investigation with Mr Russell today.

What is trust?

Today we played some trust games to begin our topic in RE.

Mummifying Carrots!

We had great fun this afternoon doing the first half of the mummification process on our carrot pharaohs! We will leave them for a week and see what they look like. We think they will look: brown, wrinkled, shriveled, smaller and thinner.

  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE