• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
New Reception and Nursery

All the Reception and Nursery children are settling in.  They are making friends, playing with the resources in the environment and have even made apple crumble!

Curriculum Statement

The links below show how we deliver our school curriculum, including how we cover the National Curriculum. Teachers meet together for a planning day each year to review our school curriculum; reflecting on the specific needs of children in the school including barriers to learning and children who are excelling and need an extended curriculum. This ensures that our curriculum is broad and deep and as far as possible personalised to the needs and interests of children in each year groups. Discussions with pupils once learning is underway in a subject also allows them to have input into the direction of some of the learning.

The National Curriculum forms the starting point for our curriculum planning alongside our knowledge of our children. To support planning and ensure curriculum coverage we use the following planning resources:

Mathematics: Broadbent Maths

English: Read Write Inc. phonics and Language and Literacy, The Power of Reading, No nonsense Spelling, No Nonsense Grammar

Computing: icompute

Foundation subjects: Chris Quigley Essentials

RE: Carlisle Diocese RE units

Maths curriculum overview
Cops and Robbers

The children at Lindale love to play goodies and baddies which gave us the idea of creating a detective area in the classroom and linking this with some traditional tales such as ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ and  ‘The Gingerbreadman’.  The children have been keen to make badges, telephones, walkie talkies, wanted posters, lists of goodies and baddies, clues for finding baddies, maps and much more.


Wanted poster!!!!!                                                                                  Hexagon jail                                              Goodies and baddies list



List of baddies                                                                                    Making badges                                                         Creating a police phone

Class 2 Residential

Class 2 had an amazing residential to Castlehead with Becki. We had lots of fun creating natural art, having a camp fire with marshmallows, sleeping over, being food chain detectives and walking up Hampsfell!







Food Glorious Food!

Class 2 visited Tesco in Carnforth last week as part of their topic work. We learnt lots and lots about where food comes from. Also we had a fun lunch stop at Milnthorpe park.



Parts of a Plant

Today year 4, 5 and 6 got messy to find different parts of a plant!



Bridge building

Class 2 designing and creating new paper bridges to go over the River Thames.   I wonder which bridges could hold at least 1 car!


We learnt about gravity, weight, surface area and air resistance while making parachutes to keep our eggstronauts safe.

Which type of parachute do you think worked the best?



French day

Great fun was had on French day.  Children learnt about the physical and human features of France.  They played games to help them learn their numbers and colours and tasted delicious French food.  In the afternoon we had a ‘Le Tour de France’ twist looking at different areas of France, painting images in the style of Seurat, creating observational drawings of a bicycle and designing a new ‘best team player’ jersey.




  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE