• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
Colours around us

We have been enjoying Spring and, this afternoon, we had fun walking around the village to find different colours.  We had colour charts to look at and tried to match things we found to a colour on our chart.  We saw lots of plants with different coloured flowers and also found some man-made things which matched our colour charts.



Year 5 and 6 have learnt some really useful skills when riding their bikes on the road this week.


Year 5 and 6 are enjoying their bikeability training this week with Cyclewise.

Volcanoes Rock!

To start off our exciting Extreme Earth topic, Steven Wright came in for an afternoon. He showed us some of his vast rock and fossil collection and some videos of real volcanoes erupting. Then we had great fun making some volcanoes erupt!

Art morning

We have had a fantastic Art morning to finish off Arts week. Earlier in the week, the KS2 children planned and created activities for KS1 and Reception to take part in today. We had 7 groups who rotated round the activities led by KS2. It was lovely to see everyone working so well together and learning some new skills too!

A great start to Arts Week.

As part of Arts week we have an artist, Julie Harrison, in helping us to create our own felt hangings. Today, the whole school worked together to recreate the beautiful view from our field. We are really pleased with the results, and we can’t wait to make the second one tomorrow!

What a great day we’ve had!

We had a very exciting day today! Year 3 and 4 completed their biking training this morning. Then this afternoon in Science, year 3 and 4 made water cycle bags and year 5 and 6 finished their musical instruments.

Lakeland Wildlife Oasis

Yesterday we went on a school visit to the Lakeland Wildlife Oasis.  There we saw lots of different animals and even got to stroke and hold some of them if we wanted to.  This term we have been learning about America and South America and finding out about different animals that live there.  On the trip we saw animals from Mexico, Chile, Argentina and Brazil as well as others from all over the world.


Les marionnettes!

In French this week, we performed our French puppet shows!

Science Week

We had a fantastic Science Week, with lots of fun activities going on.  The whole school worked in mixed age groups for a morning and went around three different science activities.  One was to create our own bubble wands and then make a bubble mixture.  We had great fun blowing bubbles, seeing which wands and other equipment made the best bubbles.  Another activity was to make a ‘bug hotel’, a habitat for a small creature, using leaves, stones, moss and twigs that we found outside.   The third activity was to roll tin cans (with no labels on) down a ramp, testing how far each went and then trying to work out what might be inside each.

  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE