• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
Marvelous Measures!

KS2 did practical maths today to measure capacity and length. Year 3 and 4 made paper aeroplanes and measured the distance they traveled. Meanwhile, others used their capacity skills to measure potions!


This week we learnt some salsa steps for our Brazilian dance!

Our Fantastic Bodies

Year one and two have been thinking about different parts of their bodies and what they do.  We have sung, played games and tried to feel our own bones, thinking about what important organs are inside our bodies which our skeletons help to protect.  Children drew round themselves and labelled various body parts including joints – hips, shoulders, ankles, wrists, knees.


Icy Art


We have been finding out about Antarctica and other cold places.  Here is some of our artwork inspired by the book ‘Blue Penguin’.


Year 1 and 2 children had a fun filled afternoon at Cartmel Priory School yesterday, taking part in multiskills with other children from the area.

Children completed multiskills activities based on coordination, control and balance.



Mixing textures

This afternoon, we were inspired by Ansel Adam’s black and white photography. Using textured black and white paper, we created our own North American landscapes.

How does sound travel?

Year 5 and 6 really enjoyed learning how sound traveled through practical activities today!

Dance Platform

We were very excited today to begin our dance for the Dance Platform!

Greek Temples

To finish off our term, we completed our Greek Temples! We are looking forward to learning about North and South America in the new year. Have a lovely Christmas!


A fun day!

What a great day we have had! Today we made party hats, decorated place mats, started to construct our Greek temples and this afternoon we had our Christmas party!

  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE