• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
Soaring to the Moon!

Today Mr Russell came in to teach us what makes a good rocket, and then we had a go at making some of our own. Some soared to the Moon… some crash landed. We had lots of fun though!


A taste of Greece!

This week, as part of our home learning projects, we have tried lots of different Greek foods. Today we had an amazing selection!

Marvellous Materials

We have been finding out about different materials over the last few weeks.  We have identified the materials that various objects are made from, described the simple properties of materials and thought about how they are used for different reasons.  We have done investigations and simple experiments to test materials, such as finding out which materials would make a good roof for a lego house.


All different, all equal!

Over the last two weeks we have been thinking about the National Anti-bullying week theme ‘All different, all equal’.  We have read books about how every person and every family is different but each one of us is special, equal and should be respected.  Today we shared some of our learning in assembly, with everyone taking part.

Should Tristan look in the viewer again?

Last time Tristan looked in the viewer, he saw some scary images. Now he wants to look again…but should he do it?

Year 5 and 6 came up with reasons for their opinions and we did a conscience alley to explore the choices Tristan has.

Nature Crowns

Today we made nature crowns at Forest School, finding leaves and twigs to decorate them. Gorgeous!

Children in Need

The children got all dressed up to raise money for Children in Need today. Some were spotty …. some were yellow …. some were comfy….and we even saw a few Super Pudseys! Thank  you for bringing in cakes to sell – we enjoyed eating them!

Scrapyard Poetry

Today year 5 and 6 wrote some poetry based on our new book The Viewer. There are lots of mysterious objects in a scrapyard. We worked in pairs to write, edit, practise and perform our poetry.

What do objects say about us?

Year 5 and 6 have had a thoughtful English lesson today thinking how what objects say about us and why some things are special.

Remembrance Assembly

This morning we held our Remembrance assembly in school.  Councillor Clarke joined us to read out names of soldiers from Lindale and the children took part by placing crosses at the front of the hall, one for each soldier.  They also showed paintings they had done, read poems they’d written and prayers of remembrance.

  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE