• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
Forest School

The children from Key Stage 1 and Early Years have been exploring in the woods today.  We had a great time finding our way around, investigating and climbing.  We looked for leaves and tried to find as many different colours as we could.


Myths, monsters and heroes!

What a great morning we have had! Today we had a “Imagining History” workshop. The children battled the Hydra, outsmarted Medusa and used their stealth skills to steal the golden apples.


Computing with Robomind

Programming Progression

This term Years 5 and 6 are beginning to move from the programming environments that let them code using visual drag-and-drop blocks (e.g. Scratch, Tynker and Hopscotch) to typing their code as text.

I think they made a fabulous start.  As we know, computers are stupid and do exactly what we tell them to do.  When you make a mistake typing code or use upper and lower case letters incorrectly, computers are not as forgiving as sometimes a teacher might be or ‘know what you mean’!

The children were designing algorithms that would make Robomind draw their initials.  Some had trickier initials than others but everyone managed to move on to coding them with text.  We then uploaded some to the class’ seesaw digital portfolio.

Next time, we’ll be programming Robomind to find and collect beacons using conditional statements (if..then..else).

Madame Cook

Key Stage 2 had their first lesson with our new French specialist teacher Madame Cook today. It was great fun putting actions to new French words to help us remember!

Right Angle Hunt!

Year 3 and 4 warmed up their brains today by going on a right angle hunt in our classroom. The room was full of them!


Leaf Art

We have been out on the field looking for different shapes and sizes of leaves.  Once we had collected our leaves we made some pictures out of them.




Puppy Visit

Over the last few weeks we have been reading a book called ‘Oh No George!’ by Chris Haughton, about a dog who gets into mischief.  Now we are thinking about how to look after different pets.  Today we had a visit from Buddy, a beautiful cocker spaniel puppy.  We asked questions about him and found out how to look after a puppy.  He was very friendly and lots of us wanted to stroke him!

Transporting nutrients around the body

Year 5 and 6 played the circulatory system game today. They were the veins and arteries carrying the blood cells around the body and delivering the nutrients. What fun we had!

Pupil Parliament

Year 6 had a fantastic opportunity today to take part in a debate chaired by the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow MP at the South Lakes Pupil Parliament.



In English today, year 5 and 6 went head to head in a debate. The question…Did Odysseus make the right decision by not telling his crew about the deadly Scylla?

  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE