• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
Apple Day

This afternoon children in the Early Years and Year 1 and 2 went to Castle Head Field Centre.  We collected lots of apples from the orchard, helped to press the apples and then drink some of the fresh apple juice – delicious!  Thank you to Becky and the Year 6 children who led the afternoon.


Subtraction Investigation

Yesterday and today, year 4 have been investigating what happens when you subtract a 3 digit number from the reverse of itself (e.g. 562 – 265). This is what we found…

Sounds like fun!

This morning Mr Russell came in from Cartmel Secondary School to do a lesson all about the ear and sound. The children took part in lots of great activities such as using tuning forks and hearing through coat hangers and string.


Priory Day

Today, year 5 & 6 went to Priory Day at Cartmel Priory where they did lots of exciting activities such as making magnets, singing, dancing and going on a treasure hunt.

Making our Greek Vases

Today we used paper mache to begin our Greek vases.

Our ‘Eggsperiment’!

Year 3 & 4 set up their ‘eggsperiment’ today. We have put boiled eggs into different liquids to test the effect, and we will leave them for a week. This links to our work on teeth because the shell on an egg is like the enamel on our teeth.

Comic Art

The Year 1 and 2 children have now completed their artwork inspired by ‘Owly’ graphic novels by Andy Runton.  The children have tried drawing Owly and also created characters to be his friends.  Their paintings are now on display in the window of Armistead Barnett in Kendal as part of the Comic Art Festival.  They look fantastic – well done all of you!




Bonjour! Hallo! Hola! Ciao!

Today year 5 & 6 had a great morning at Windermere Secondary School taking part in short taster sessions in French, Spanish, Italian and German. We learnt some new words and did some great dancing!


Odysseus and the Cyclops

Year 5 & 6 finished writing their scripts today and performed their scene depicting the battle between Odysseus and the Cyclops.

Rainy day walk

This afternoon we went for a walk in the rain.  We went up to the church to walk through the grounds and look at the trees and plants.  In a few weeks we will go back to see how the plants have changed.

We have also made some bread rolls using an old recipe.  It was like the bread they would have eaten in the 1700s, this links with our Year 1 and 2  Great Fire of London topic.

  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE