• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
Class 2 Residential

Class 2 had an amazing residential to Castlehead with Becki. We had lots of fun creating natural art, having a camp fire with marshmallows, sleeping over, being food chain detectives and walking up Hampsfell!







Inspired by William Morris

Today year 5 & 6 painted their William Morris inspired clay tiles. They used patterns from nature to create their designs.

The World Of Beatrix Potter

Today Reception and Year 1 children went on a trip to Bowness to The World of Beatrix Potter Attraction.  We had a fantastic day out!  We loved looking round the exhibition and seeing all the different characters from her stories.  Then we went to watch a theatre production of ‘Where’s Peter Rabbit?’  The actors sang, danced and had large character puppets with which to tell the stories.  It was brilliant and we all sat and watched it intently.  Afterwards we went to Blockhole for our picnic lunch and then played on the climbing frames, swings and slides.  On the way home in the minibus the children agreed it was the best day ever!


Year 4 & 5 Residential

Year 4 and 5 had a great time on residential! Howgills bunkbarn (where we stayed) was fantastic. We went dry ghyll scrambling, hiked up Winder Fell, visited a farm and Fairfield Mill, went to see the waterfall and ate ice cream!



Preparing for our residential…

Today, we had a really exciting afternoon at Castle Head to prepare for our residential next week. First we went pond dipping and using classification charts to name what we had found. Then we had a go on the brand new low ropes course.

Pond Dipping

We had a fabulous morning at castle Head Field Centre, continuing our Wildlife Explorers topic with some pond dipping.  There were lots of different creatures to discover in the pond, we looked carefully at them and tried to identify what they were.  It was a really interesting morning and nobody got wet!  It was fun when we pretended to get stuck in the giant spiders web.

We also saw bees and a damselfly and on the way back to school we found a slow worm crossing the pavement. 

Being historians!

Today, we discovered many different time periods through looking at artifacts. We thought about what each object could have been used for.

Jurassic Park!

Today, we used reasoning and problem solving skills to measure and create enclosures and transport boxes for dinosaurs in our Jurassic park.

Practical Measuring

For our first day back after the half term holiday, we did some practical measuring to find the perimeter of different objects in school. We had lots of fun using the trundle wheel to measure the hall!



At the moment we are finding out about different types of minibeasts that live here.  We have been doing lots of hunting for creatures in the garden and on the field, we have made web art and salt-dough minibeasts.

This afternoon the older children came to watch us perform a dance of ‘The Ugly Duckling’ that we have been working on for a couple of weeks.

  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE