• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
Music Makers!

Today we learnt about different music notes and had a go at creating a beat. Each groups put their notes into a different order.


We love books!

Today we had lots of fantastic activities revolved around books. Everybody came in dressed as a book character, and we joined up with Class 3 to do some shared reading.

We have thought hard this week to make traps to capture the Enormous Crocodile.


Reading Week

We have really enjoyed reading week.  We have brought in books from home to share, designed book covers, read lots and lots of stories and dressed up as book characters.  The older children have also come to read to us.

Reading Week!

We have had a great start to Reading week. On Monday, our new books were unveiled and we spent some time choosing a book and reading. Today we decorated cakes with our own icing books!



Fun in the sun

We have been spending time outside enjoying the sun this week.  Lots of imaginative play; having picnics, outdoor shopping and camping trips.

New Books!

We are excited to celebrate reading week next week. Some new books were delivered yesterday, and we can’t wait to unveil them on Monday!

Food Glorious Food!

Class 2 visited Tesco in Carnforth last week as part of their topic work. We learnt lots and lots about where food comes from. Also we had a fun lunch stop at Milnthorpe park.



Parts of a Plant

Today year 4, 5 and 6 got messy to find different parts of a plant!



Feeding the birds

We have been finding out about different birds as part of our Wildlife Explorers topic.  Today we made some bird feeders using pine cones, lard (sticky and yukky!) and bird seed. Now they are hung in the trees for the birds.


Today we became Anglo-Saxon potters

Today some of us studied the rolling method to create Anglo-Saxon pottery. We even made stamps to create repeating patterns with – just like the real Anglo-Saxons did!


  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE