• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
Glorious mud!


Outside in the Early Years garden, an area has been created especially for digging.  The children have been having great fun digging holes, raking, collecting stones, making ‘mud soup’ and discovering what happens when the hole gets flooded with water.


On Wednesday, a team came from BAE systems for a Robotics’ Day! We had a great day using computing, construction and problem solving skills to create and programme robots!



Easter fun

With Easter approaching we have been making cards with moving parts, finding out about the Easter story, painting and making chocolate nests – yum!

Multi-coloured lilies

Today we painted beautiful dyed lilies. We used powder paint to mix different secondary colours and tones. Aren’t they beautiful?!



Toddler Taster

This morning we had a Toddler Taster session where pre-school children came across to the Early Years classroom to join in with some Springtime activities.  Everyone had a great time planting flowers, drawing, printing, playing with water and decorating biscuits (eating them too!)

Bridge building

Class 2 designing and creating new paper bridges to go over the River Thames.   I wonder which bridges could hold at least 1 car!


We learnt about gravity, weight, surface area and air resistance while making parachutes to keep our eggstronauts safe.

Which type of parachute do you think worked the best?



French day

Great fun was had on French day.  Children learnt about the physical and human features of France.  They played games to help them learn their numbers and colours and tasted delicious French food.  In the afternoon we had a ‘Le Tour de France’ twist looking at different areas of France, painting images in the style of Seurat, creating observational drawings of a bicycle and designing a new ‘best team player’ jersey.




Yum! Today we tried some traditional Danish food.

As part of our Eurovision topic, we tasted some delicious Danish food made as part of a home learning project.

Science Day

We had a fantastic time on Monday for Science Day!  We made our own bouncy balls, explored colour changes, found out about oil and water, investigated Gloop, and made coins become clean and shiny. It was fun trying out lots of different things and working with children from other classes.

  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE