• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
Physical Programming with LEGO®️ WeDo

Build and Code

Building LEGO®️ WeDo Models

This half term in computing with Mrs O’Kane, Year 3 and 4 are using Lego®️ WeDo to bring the physical world to life through code.  They will be building models using the bricks they know and love and then program them interact with the world around them.


Fantastic Forces

To kick start our Science topic on Forces, we did a fun investigation into gravity. We wanted to find out whether dropping an object from a greater height created a larger impact crater.


Perfect Pancakes!

We really enjoyed learning about Shrove Tuesday. What a lot of fun measuring, pouring, flipping and ….eating!!

We even had a pancake race!

A tasty trip to Pizza Express!

Class 2 had an amazing trip to Pizza Express in Kendal. We learnt so much about different foods and how to make the perfect pizza. Can you spot olives, capers, artichoke, peppers and mozzarella? We had great fun learning about coffee and drinking frothy milk.


Singing our hearts out!

This term, we went to Manchester Arena to perform with 8,500 other children as part of Young Voices.

What an amazing evening full of dancing, singing and of course the occasional air guitar!

Outdoor maths

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In the Autumn term we have lots of fun dong active maths in the outdoors.  We created our own 3D models, went hunting for shapes in the school grounds, searched for angles, created symmetrical patterns and much more…..

Autumn Term

We have had lots of fun exploring Autumn and how the seasons change around us. We made leaf monsters, went on an Autumn walk to see what we could find, used powder paint to mix warm colours, made and painted clay hedgehogs and then created homes for them to hibernate in.

Well done Quick sticks hockey team

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  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE