• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
A visit from Mr Russell!

Mr Russell, the Science teacher from Cartmel Secondary School, came to our school on Wednesday to do a Science lesson with Key Stage Two. The children did an experiment with sweets to find out that if chewing improved their memory. After lots of investigations, they found out that it didn’t improve their memory but it did improve  their chewing skills!!!



How do we get seasons?

In Science, we are learning about how we get the different seasons. Using spherical objects, we went outside to replicate how we got either summer or winter which depended on which hemisphere was pointing either towards or away from the sun. We discussed that, while one hemisphere was experiencing summer, the other hemisphere would be experiencing winter.


What an exciting week!

We have had a really busy, fun week in KS1 and Reception.

As part of our geography work we have been for a walk around Lindale, spotting different places such as the shop, play park and church.  Then some ducklings came into school and we found out all about them and got to stroke them too!  After that Dave came in to make pizzas with us.  It was really messy fun and the pizzas smelled delicious, we took them home in pizza boxes to cook and eat.

‘It’s been a quacking week!’

On Thursday, Thea’s mum brought in three khaki campbell ducklings called Eggna, Dodgy D and Pancake.  Thea’s mum let the children stroke the ducklings, they were so cute!!


Place value

Year 1 and 2 have been doing lots of work on place value this week.  Children have been using equipment to help them understand what the digits in two and 3 digit numbers represent.  Fantastic work!

Author Visit

Today, KS2 visited Leven Valley School to hear how Kita Mitchell, the author of Grandma Dangerous series,  became an author and while we were there she signed some of the children’s books that they had purchased. The children had a lovely time and asked some really interesting questions.

Exploring the Phases of the Moon!

During science this week, we recreated the Lunar phases using oreo biscuits. The children had to accurately model the moon phases and then put them in order.


Easter Drama

During English this week the children were acting out some scenarios from the Easter story!!


Eco-School Non Uniform Day

Today the children came to school dressed in green, camouflage or plant patterns to raise money for Eco-School projects.

Many children also entered our ‘Decorate a Wellie’ competition.  The entries were fantastic, with a vast array of ideas and designs.  Thank you to all who took part and helped raise money towards the future development of some ‘nature areas’ in the school grounds.


Today we had BAE systems in to do robotics with us. Lots of computing skills were being used to complete the challenges as well as maths.

  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE