• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
Science Day

Today we celebrated Science and Engineering Week with a science day at school on the theme of  ‘Journeys’.  We worked in mixed age groups and moved around school to complete different science investigations with different teachers.  We looked at the journey of electricity by testing different objects and materials to see which were good conductors.  We found out about the journey of germs, how they can spread and infect people and ways to prevent the spread of germs.  The third activity was to make different types of aeroplane, glider and helicopter and look at the different ways they fly.


Liverpool Trip

We had a fabulous time on our trip to Liverpool. We started our day by visiting The World Museum which had some fantastic Egyptian artefacts. After that,  we made our way to the  Anglican Cathedral  which was an amazing building both inside and outside. Soon after that, we went to the Metropolitan Cathedral which was also stunning.


World Book Day

We all had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day.

The children wore some fantastic costumes to represent a huge variety of book characters.  Can you tell who they are?


Body Projects

Over the last couple of weeks the children have been presenting the ‘Body’ projects which they did for home learning over half term.  They have found out lots of new information and have produced a huge variety of projects; amazing pictures, collages, models, poems and investigations.  Well done children (and parents!) you have put a lot of time and effort into this work.


Space Art

Key Stage 2 have produced some beautiful art work. First, we used watercolours to paint a galaxy. Then we used marbling to make some awesome effects and cut these into planets. Next, we carefully thought about the composition of each piece when gluing our planets on. We think they are out of this world!


Fabulous Funnybones

We have had a fantastic week.  On Tuesday we got to perform the skeleton dance which we have been practising for the last four weeks.  We went on the minibus to Ulverston Victoria High School and rehearsed with children from other primary schools and students from the high school.  Then we got into our costumes for the show.  It was exciting to perform our dance on a stage in front of a big audience.

Well done KS1 you were brilliant!


Young Voices

We had a great time at Young Voices (the largest school choir) last night performing the songs and dance moves that we have been learning since September.

Super Smoothies

Dave has been into school to do food technology with us again, this time we made delicious smoothies. There were all sorts of lovely fruit and herbs to use – strawberries, raspberries, banana, orange, pineapple, blueberries, basil and peppermint – they smelled great!  We tasted some of the smoothies as we made them and tried some at lunchtime.


Magical Marbling

We used marbling to create the basis for our planets. We loved experimenting and seeing what patterns we could create.

Super Satellites!

We designed our own satellites this week!

  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE