• School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE
Wind in the Willows

The whole school had a great time watching a production of Wind in the Willows performed by students at Kendal Media College. We loved Mr Toad, who was really funny!

Papyrus paper

For our topic, we made some papyrus paper. We cut some brown paper into strips then weaved them horizontally then glued. We all got really messy but had lots of fun!!



Children in Year 1 and 2 have been working hard on ‘time’ in maths over the last couple of weeks.  They have been thinking about what happens at different times of day and ordering events, learning to read times on analogue clocks and also in digital format. Year 2 children have also been telling the time to quarter to and past and beginning to look at 5 minute intervals.  They have completed some word problems thinking about how long something might take and what the new time would be.  Well done everybody!


We are about to start our last week of preparation for our production of Hoodwinked. We are so excited and can’t wait perform in just over a week!


As this year marks the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1, the whole school walked up to the Lindale war memorial to pay their respects to those who fought in the first and second world wars.  We placed crosses and poppies on the monument as the names of soldiers from our area were read out.

After that we returned to school to continue our remembrance service with songs, poems and prayers.

During the week each child had made a felt poppy and these were added to a wall hanging to commemorate the occasion.


Into the woods

We have been on our first forest school session of the term.  While we were in the woods we had time to explore and look for interesting things around us, we climbed trees, went on an African animal hunt and played hide and seek.  We are looking forward to next Friday when we go again.



We are so proud of our sewn poppies! We cut two poppy shapes from felt, sewed them together and sewed a button on, used a blanket stitch around the outside and then we finally added some black diamante.

We have been learning about different measurements.

In maths, we were estimating capacity and then measuring it using scales.

Sewing poppies

Today we began to sew some beautiful poppies to begin our work on remembrance. We can’t wait to see what they look like when they’re finished!


Year 2 children had a great time doing ‘Multiskills’ at Cartmel Priory School.  They worked really hard on balancing, throwing and catching skills, completing activities planned and led by the secondary school pupils.



  • School Hill, Lindale,
  • Grange-over-Sands,
  • Cumbria LA11 6LE