Subject Leader: Mrs Curwen
Welcome to the Marvellous Mathematics page
At Lindale we strive to provide our children with a rich and varied mathematical curriculum. We use White Rose Maths as the basis of our mathematics programme and then enrich it through cross-curricular activities, practical problem-solving and outdoor based activities. This allows our children to see maths in context and relevant to them.
Through our planning and evaluations, we are making sure we are providing children with a mastery approach to the curriculum through challenging activities and activities that broaden and deepen their understanding of mathematics.
Our Calculation Policy
We have adopted the White Rose Maths calculation policies. These are split into two documents and aim to ensure progression throughout the years. Please do not hesitate to ask your child’s class teacher to explain any specific methods.
Addition and Subtraction policy
Multiplication and Division policy
Below is a link to the programme of study for mathematics (National Curriculum) and the White Rose National Curriculum Progression document.
White Rose National Curriculum Progression
Follow this link for our year group expectations for maths.
Useful websites to aid your child’s learning