How we teach your child to read and write
Every child deserves success right from the start. We know that the sooner children learn to read, the greater their success at school. This is why we put reading at the heart of what we do.
We use a teaching programme called Read Write Inc. Phonics to teach our children to read and write, starting in the Early Years Foundation Stage and progressing through KS1.
How do we make phonics easy for children to learn?
Read Write Inc. Phonics depends upon children learning to read and write sounds effortlessly, so we make it simple and fun. First we teach children to recognise, read and write the 40+ sounds in English. We use pictures to help, for example ‘a’ is the shape of an apple, ‘f’ a flower. These pictures help children to remember the sounds. We provide extra one-to-one sessions for children who need a bit of a boost to keep up.
Children learn to read words by sound-blending with a frog called Fred. Fred says the sounds and children help him blend the sounds to read each word.
Once confident, we teach children the different spellings of the same sounds, for example, that the sound ‘ay’ is written ay, a-e and ai; the sound ‘ee’ is written ee, e and ea. We use phrases to help them remember each sound for example, ay, may I play, a-e – make a cake?
How do we ensure children can read every book?
First, once children know Set 1 sounds and can orally blend, they are given sound blending books with simple 2 and 3 letter words. We only give children books we know they can read – using the sounds they already know. Before they read the story, pupils sound and blend words, practise reading tricky ‘red words,’ and listen to an introduction to get them excited about the story.
Then, over three days, children read the story three times: first to focus on reading the words carefully; the second to help them read the story fluently; and on the third, we talk about the story together for example, how characters might be feeling and why. By the time your child reads the story to you at home, they should be able to read it confidently with expression.
How can you help at home?
We appreciate you’re busy but these two things that will make a huge difference to your child’s progress.
1. Read a bedtime story to your child each night.
Your child may bring home picture books from their classroom. Read these stories to your child – don’t ask them to read the story themselves as this is beyond their reading stage.
There is some really good advice about how to make bedtime storytime fun on parents
2. Listen to your child read the storybook we send home daily.
Your child will bring home a Read Write Inc. storybook they have just finished reading in their group. They will already be able to read this book because they have already read it in school. Please do not say “This book is too easy!” Praise your child for how well they read it – celebrate what a great reader they are. Re-reading stories develops their fluency on every reading.
They’ll sometimes bring home previous stories they have read too or a non-fiction book at the stage they are reading. There’s more good advice on how to listen to your child read on