We have a simple dress code. Children wear a red sweatshirt/jumper, grey/black trousers or skirt, white shirt/blouse, with black, flat school shoes/boots (not training shoes).
Sweatshirts, white T-shirts and polo shirts with the school logo can be ordered via the school office using the downloadable order form below or bought directly from Identity, 64-68 Cavendish Street, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, LA14 1PZ. Tel: 01229 823584. Uniform does not need to have the school logo.
All clothing and footwear should be clearly marked with child’s name.
P.E. clothes are needed and should include gym shoes or trainers, (black or white), white T-shirt, black shorts and a P.E. bag in which to keep them. All articles should be clearly marked with child’s name. Costumes and towels for swimming lessons should also be marked with child’s name.
If you would like to order any uniform for School, please download this form, complete and return to the school office with payment.